Lamina 1–5 × 0·75–4·5 cm., with 5–12 lobes, the sinuses between the lobes varying from shallow to extending halfway to the centre of the leaf; lobe margins subentire to crenate-dentate; inferior surface with numerous bristly hairs, especially on the veins; superior surface with similar hairs, which may be only very sparsely distributed.
Fruit c. 1·0 × 1·5 mm., broadly ellipsoid, laterally compressed, brownish when ripe; apex and base distinctly emarginate; stylopodium depressed; styles short, spreading; stigmas slightly clavate; lateral ribs not strongly developed.
Inflorescence a subcapitate umbel; peduncle rather variable in length, but commonly c. 1/2 the length of the subtending petiole. Umbel of 10–30 flowers on very short to obsolete rays.
Petioles 1·5–11 cm. long, sub-glabrous to hirsute, with numerous long, white, bristly hairs especially near the tip.
Leaves long-petiolate, 1–2 (3) at each node, circular to reniform, basal sinus very narrow.
Stem prostrate, terete, glabrous or with a few scattered hairs.
Delicate creeping perennial herb, rooting at the nodes.
A more or less pilose creeping herb
Petals greenish-white.