Stems floating or creeping, rooting at the nodes; lvs round-reniform with a basal sinus, to 7 cm wide, 5–6-lobed to about the middle; peduncles well developed but shorter than the lvs; fls 5–10 per umbel, on pedicels 1–3 mm; fr suborbicular, 2–3 mm wide, the dorsal surface rounded and virtually ribless, the lateral ribs low and obtuse; 2n=24. Pa. and s. N.J. to Fla., w. through the s. states to the Pacific; S. Amer. May–Aug.
Stems slender or succulent; leaves 5-80 mm. in diameter, deeply 5-6-lobed, the lobes crenate or lobulate, glabrous, the petiole 1-35 cm. long, glabrous; peduncles glabrous, shorter than the leaves; rays glabrous, 1-3 mm. long; fruit suborbicular, 1-3 mm. long, 2-3 mm. broad, the ribs obsolete.
Fruit transversely subrectangular, greenish-brown with red mottlings, laterally compressed, shallowly emarginate at the base and apex, somewhat constricted at the commissure; ribs filiform, only weakly developed; stylopodium depressed, styles short, c. 0·75 mm. long, widely divergent.
Leaves arising singly at the nodes on petioles 2–25 cm. long; lamina 0·6–4·5 × 1–6 cm., reniform with a deep basal sinus; margin ± crenately divided into 5–8 lobes, each lobe with small secondary crenulations.
Umbels simple with 5–10 flowers, subcapitate on peduncles 1·5–5 cm. long, much shorter than the subtending petioles; rays very short to obsolete.
Stem prostrate with long or short internodes of 1–9 cm., terete and soft.
Glabrous creeping herb, densely rooting at the nodes.
A herb. It keeps growing from year to year.
Petals greenish-white.