Plants soft, golden yellow, yellowish green, or rarely bright green. Stems to 13 cm, not denuded basally, unbranched or irregularly branched from base; hyalodermis incomplete, as outer row of thin-walled cortical cells, evident in older stems only as thickened inner concave walls, central strand well developed. Leaves appressed-imbricate to loosely spreading, straight or falcate, appressed when dry, spreading when moist, ovate-lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate, elliptic or broadly so, shallowly to deeply concave, rarely almost plane, (0.9-)1.1-1.6(-2.1) × (0.6-)0.8-1(-1.1) mm; margins plane, sometimes slightly involute near apex, involute in falcate leaves, rendering leaf tubular distally, entire; apex tapered to acute or apiculate point, or deeply concave-cucullate with often recurved apiculus; costa single, ending just below apex or percurrent in apiculus, very stout, rarely 2-fid; alar cells many, quadrate or short-rectangular, region well defined; basal laminal cells shorter, wider than medial cells, ; medial cells fusiform to long linear-flexuose, (33-)40-50(-65) × 5-6(-8) µm; apical cells shorter, usually rhomboid; marginal cells somewhat shorter. Sexual condition dioicous; perichaetial inner leaves long-lanceolate, . Seta yellow-brown, 1-1.2 cm. Capsule with peristome unknown.