Perennial geophyte, robust, 250-500 mm high; rhizome with strong fibrous tunic. Leaves 4-8, clasping at base to form a false stem, opening into funnel above, broadly lanceolate, 100-600 x 30-110 mm, erect, flat, strongly ribbed with veins evenly spaced, thickened and raised on upper surface, almost hairless. Flowers 8-17, yellow; tepals 11-19 x 3-5 mm; anther apex entire or split; ovary 4-6 mm long; style shorter than stigma. Flowering time Sept.-Feb.
Geophyte, up to 400 mm tall. Leaves lanceolate, 35-50 mm broad, acuminate, strongly ribbed. Flowers racemose. Peduncles slender, hairy. Outer perianth segments greenish and hairy on back. Flowers yellow.