Perennial geophyte, stout, 100-150 mm high; rhizome with fibrous tunic. Leaves 4-6 (-8), bases overlapping in a rosette, erect or semi-erect, oblong-lanceolate, 100-200 x 30-50 mm, elongating in post-flowering, flat, stiff, strongly ribbed; veins 30-50, close to each other, uniformly thickened, with sparse, long, weak, white or yellow hairs, dense on margins and midrib on lower surface. Flowers 2(3-5), yellow; tepals 11-17 x 3-5 mm; anther apex entire; ovary 4-5 mm long; style shorter than stigma. Flowering time Sept.-Dec.
Geophyte, up to 300 mm tall. Leaves strongly ciliate, oblong-lanceolate. Flowers many, racemose. Ovary villous. Flowers yellow.