Leaves spirally arranged, petiolate; lamina (2·5) 3·5–8 (11) × (2) 2·5–5 (6) cm., ovate to narrowly elliptic or rarely ovate-lanceolate, membranous, pilose on both surfaces when young, older ones hairy on the lower surface (mainly on the nerves), glabrescent on the upper one, green on the upper, greyish-green or glaucous on the lower surface, apex acute, sometimes acuminate, margin serrate-denticulate and ciliolate towards the base, base cuneate or very rarely rounded; secondary nerves 10–16 pairs; petiole (0·6) 1–2·5 cm. long, canaliculate, ± densely hairy.
Lateral sepals 4–7 × 2–3·5 mm., ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate-triangular, ± acute, pilose, rarely glabrous; posterior sepal 9–18 × c. 3·5 mm. (excluding the spur), obliquely navicular, abruptly constricted into the spur, distally caudate, ± densely pilose all over, rarely glabrescent; spur up to 3·5 cm. long, usually incurved, rarely straight, rather slender, narrowly conical in the upper, cylindrical in the lower half, with the end bluntish or rarely slightly thickened, pilose.
Flowers solitary, rarely in fascicles of 2 or 3, axillary, pinkish; bracts up to 3·5 mm. long, lanceolate-triangular or subulate, acute, usually densely hairy.
Herb, up to 1·5 m. high or more; stems erect to decumbent, succulent, branched, younger ones ± densely hairy (usually villous), older ones glabrescent.
Seeds numerous, c. 2·8 × 1·75 mm., reddish-brown, with a densely papillose surface, obovate-elliptic in outline.
Pedicels 4–6 (7) cm. long, usually densely hairy.
Capsule up to 2 cm. long, fusiform, glabrous.
Ovary glabrous.