Lateral sepals 4·5–9 × 3–5 mm., ± obliquely ovate-lanceolate to ovate, acute, apiculate, glabrous; posterior sepal 1·4–1·8 cm. long, 0·5–0·7 mm. deep, deeply and obliquely navicular or broadly funnel-shaped, ± abruptly constricted to the spur, distally acute or slightly caudate, glabrous; spur up to 7 mm. long, cylindric or subconical, rather blunt, straight or slightly incurved, glabrous, with the end somewhat thickened.
Anterior petal up to 1·1 × c. 1·5 cm. (when flattened), helmet-shaped, dorsally distinctly cristate (crest up to 2 mm. broad), apically slightly retuse, mucronulate, glabrous; lateral united petals 2·5–3·5 cm. long, deeply 2-lobed, usually glabrous; anterior lobe 2–2·3 × 0·6–0·9 cm., transversely oblique-elliptic; posterior lobe about 1/3 the size of the anterior one (obovate? entire?).
Flowers in few-flowered axillary fascicles, rarely apparently solitary, white (as far as known); bracts up to 4 mm. long, lanceolate-triangular to subulate, acute; pedicels up to 5 cm. long, succulent, glabrous or very sparsely pilose.
A weak upright or decumbent perennial herb; stems up to 1·7 m. or more high, succulent, glabrous or somewhat pilose mainly on younger parts.
Seeds numerous, c. 2·5 × 2 mm., obovate in outline, dark brown to blackish, with the surface wrinkled, glabrous.
Capsule up to 2·2 cm. long, fusiform, glabrous.
Ovary glabrous.