Weakly branched upright perennial to 2 m. tall, glabrous; stems somewhat decumbent at the base and rooting at the lower nodes.. Leaves in verticils of 2–4, rarely alternate; petiole 1.5–3 cm. long, slender, often with a few short (± 0.5 mm. long) stipitate glands towards the top; lamina oblong, elliptic or oblanceolate, (5–)7–18 cm. long, (3–)4–8.5 cm. broad, the base rounded or shortly attenuate to cuneate, the apex shortly acuminate; margin shallowly crenate or crenate-dentate, the teeth 2–10 mm. apart; lateral veins 10–13 pairs.. Inflorescence a 4–10(–12)-flowered raceme, rather congested at first; flowers pale pink with deep purple-violet or magenta markings towards the base of the lateral united petals.. Peduncle 11–24 cm. long, upright, Bracts ovate, 7–11 mm. long, acuminate.. Pedicels 3–4.5 cm. long, slender.. Lateral sepals 4 (2 pairs), the upper pair linear-lanceolate, 6–7 mm. long, acute, the lower pair ovate or ovate-oblong, 7–8 mm. long, shortly acuminate.. Lower sepal shallowly and obliquely navicular, 12–13 mm. long, abruptly constricted into a 45–55 mm. long slightly curved filiform spur, slightly swollen at the tip.. Dorsal petal ovate, 10–15 mm. long, 7–11 mm. broad, entire, with a narrow dorsal crest.. Lateral petals dissimilar in size, the upper petal 1/2–2/3 the size of the lower; upper petal oblanceolate to oblanceolate-spathulate, 20–32 mm. long, 12–26 mm. broad, retuse or emarginate; lower petal suborbicular to orbicular-obovate, 32–38 mm. long, 30–41 mm. broad, emarginate.. Ovary glabrous.. Fruit long-fusiform, broadest above the middle, up to 33 mm. long and 5 mm. broad.