Erect, spreading or decumbent subshrub or perennial herb, 0.15–0.7 m high and to 1 m wide, with woody rootstock; young stems terete, green to grey or yellowish brown, hirsute or tomentose with very dense, appressed to spreading, equally or unequally biramous hairs and some red-brown, linear, multicellular hairs; older stems grey, green, yellowish or brown; hairs dense. Leaves pinnate, with (1–) 3–9 leaflets, 9–45 mm long; stipules narrowly triangular or lanceolate, 1.2–3.7 mm long, pubescent, not persistent; petiole 2.5–10 mm long; rachis furrowed often slightly and appearing terete due to dense hairs; multicellular hairs between leaflet pairs absent or present and then moderately dense or dense, orange to red or brown, pointed-linear. Leaflets opposite; stipellae absent, inconspicuous or up to 1.2 mm long; lamina obovate, 4–13.5 (–20) mm long, 2.5–10 mm wide; upper surface grey to green; hairs moderately dense to dense, appressed to shortly spreading or spreading; lower surface grey to green, generally paler than above; hairs dense, appressed to spreading; apex obtuse and mucronate; veins prominent below, slightly impressed above. Inflorescences 15–150 (–220) mm long, longer than leaves; peduncle 4–26 (–36) mm long; bracts ovate, triangular or subulate, 0.8–2.7 (–3.5) mm long; flowers pink to purple; pedicel 0.5–1.2 mm long. Calyx 1.6–3.9 mm long, with unequal or subequal lobes, 0.8–1.9 mm long, equal to longer than the length of the tube, clothed with moderately dense to dense, appressed to shortly spreading hairs. Standard pink, with a paler spot at base, ovate or broadly elliptic, (4.1–) 4.6–6.9 mm high, 3.2–5.6 mm wide; hairs dense, hyaline, golden or brown; apex obtuse and mucronate, some acute. Wings spathulate or narrowly obovate, 3.3–6.5 mm long, 1.1–2.5 mm wide. Keel 4.3–7 mm long, 1.3–2.4 mm deep; apex generally acute; lateral pockets 0.5–1.5 mm long; upper margin ciliate; tip and adjacent abaxial surface with moderately dense to dense hairs. Staminal tube 2.7–4.2 mm long, colourless or free ends and tube pigmented. Ovary glabrous to densely hairy. Pods generally descending, terete, 15–27 mm long, 2–2.5 mm deep, grey to brown, hirsute; hairs dense, shortly spreading to spreading; apex shortly beaked; endocarp spotted; seeds 3–8, cylindrical, laterally compressed, 1.4–2.1 mm long, 1.2–1.5 mm wide.