Perennial. Stems numerous, 12-25 cm high, or perhaps more 0.6-1.7 mm thick at the base, terete or slightly angular, brown, except at the tips, softly pubescent with very short spreading hairs. Leaves 2-4 cm long; leaflets 11-15, the lateral opposite in 5-6 pairs, 5-10 mm long, 3-5 mm broad, oblong or elliptic-oblong, rounded at both ends, apiculate, usually folded, somewhat adpressed-pubescent on both sides and with blackish or dark brown tufts of minute glands in their axils. Racemes 1.5-4 cm long, usually shorter than the leaves, somewhat laxly several-flowered. Pedicels about 1 mm long. Calyx-lobes 2 mm long. Corolla 5 mm long; standard pubescent on the back with somewhat spreading hairs. Pods short, spreading, 6-10 mm long, 2.5 mm thick, terete, dark brown, pubescent with short spreading whitish hairs.