A shrublet 20-30 cm high, woody at the base, with the young branchlets of dried specimens angular or grooved; young parts canescent with fine adpressed hairs, and the apical edges of the leaflets and underside of their midribs and the petiole thinly sprinkled with stalked glands on some of the leaves, while on others they are quite absent. Leaves 10-15 mm long; leaflets 5-9, the lateral opposite in 2-4 pairs, 3-6 mm long, 2-3.5 mm broad, cuneate-obovate, broadly rounded and conspicuously apiculate at the apex, adpressed-pubescent on both sides. Racemes 1.5-4 cm long, equalling or up to three times as long as the leaves. Calyx-lobes 2.5 mm long. Corolla 6-7 mm long, purple; standard adpressed-pubescent on the back. Pods about 1 cm long, compressed-terete.