A virgate shrub 0-3 m. high. Branches terete. Twigs clothed with coarse glandular brown hairs interspersed in the younger parts with a white tomentum. Leaves on hairy petioles 1 mm. long, digitately 5-foliolate; leaflets linear-cuneate, cuspidately mucronate, with revolute margins, sulcate, minutely foveolate and finely hairy above, woolly-tomentose under, 10-12 mm. long and 1-2 mm, broad. Stipules broadly setaceous, hairy, a little longer than the petiole. Racemes terminal and axillary, equal to or longer than the leaves, 3-6 flowered. Bracts setaceous, 3 mm. long. Pedicels 2 mm. long. Flowers rose-purple, 6-7 mm. long. Calyx densely pubescent; its lobes setaceously acuminate, longer than the tube. Petals canescent. Legumes (immature) matted with a thick, white tomentum, terete, short, tapering from low down to the persistent style, 2-3 seeded.