A shrub up to 2 m. tall, but sometimes flowering on short coppice shoots; stems cylindrical, more definitely woody than those of I. garckeana and not, or hardly winged.. Leaflets 5–7 (rarely 3 or 9), up to 8–10 cm., but more often 3–5 cm. long.. Racemes usually under 8, sometimes up to 15 cm. long, including a peduncle usually under 1, rarely up to 2 cm. long.. Pod upturned at the apex, with a curiously thickened style-base.. Otherwise as in I. garckeana.
Brachystegia, Julbernardia or Uapaca woodland often with tall grass annually burned; wooded grassland; bushy wooded places; thickets with tall herbage; savannahs; margins of seasonally wet or riparian woodland.
Can be grown by seedlings. Seeds needs soaking.