An intricate shrublet up to 50 cm. tall; young stems densely covered with stiff appressed white hairs; older stems glabrescent and often corky at the base.. Stipules linear-subulate, 1–3 mm. long, strigose; petiole 2–4 mm. long; rhachis extending 0–1 mm. beyond lateral leaflets; leaflets 3, rarely up to 7, elliptic, cuneate-obovate or oblanceolate, up to 6 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, strigulose above, densely strigose beneath.. Racemes numerous, with 2–3 flowers at and above the middle of the straw-coloured glabrescent 6–25 mm. long spinose axis; bracts minute, filiform, caducous; pedicels pilose, ± 0.5 mm. long.. Calyx ± 2.5 mm. long; tube ± 1 mm. long; lobes equal, with subulate tips.. Standard pubescent outside.. Stamens 5–6 mm. long.. Pod straight, somewhat tetragonal, ± 15–20 mm. long, ± 1.8 mm. wide and 1.6 mm. thick, strigulose, 6–9-seeded; endocarp spotted.. Fig. 40/1–13, p. 254.