Shrubby, erect, much branched; branches straight, rigid, angular-furrowed, minutely strigillose; leaves frequent, very patent, 3-4 jugate; the short common-petiole naked or gland stipelled; leaflets close, cuneate-oblong, narrow, obtuse or subacute, mucronulate, concave, glabrous above, thinly strigillose beneath; stipules small, subulate; racemes subsessile, equalling the leaves, laxly 3-4 flowered; calyx pubescent, its lobes shortly subulate; petals fulvo-sericeous; legumes terete, spreading, acute, thinly strigillose or glabrescent.
Erect or scrambling, resprouting shrub to 1.2 m, stems angular, ribbed. Leaves pinnately 5-11-foliolate, subsessile or shortly petiolate, leaflets narrowly oblong, weakly discolorous, subglabrous above, more densely hairy beneath. Flowers in racemes on peduncles shorter than leaves or subsessile, pink or brick-red, back of standard petal with adpressed, dark brown hairs, pedicels shorter than 3 mm. Pods thinly hairy, spreading to suberect.
Like T. capensis but flowers crowded on very short peduncles.