Shrubby, erect, slender; stem virgate, ramuliferous above, thinly strigillose, subangular; leaves subremote, patent, short petioled, 3-5 jugate; leaflets cuneate-oblong, retuse, mucronulate, minutely strigilloso-puberulous on one or both sides, the terminal subpetioled; racemes on peduncles longer than the leaves, elongate, many flowered; calyx canescent, bluntly 5-toothed; petals densely silky with dark brown hairs; legumes..?
Dwarf shrub or perennial herb, up to 0.8 m high. Stems virgate, subangular, thinly strigulose. Leaves pinnate; leaflets cuneate-oblong, retuse. Flowers: inflorescences 3-4 x longer than leaves, racemes elongate, many-flowered; stems bearing 9-30 racemes each; calyx canescent, bluntly 5-toothed; petals densely silky with dark brown hairs; corolla reddish pink; Dec.-Feb. Pods slender, 35 x 2 mm.