Perennial. Stems erect, up to 70 cm high and 4 mm thick, adpressed-pubescent, greyish brown or perhaps purplish. Leaves 2 x 5-4 cm long; leaflets 5-15, the lateral opposite in 2-7 pairs, 8-15 mm long, 1.5-(usually 3-)5 mm broad, narrowly oblong or cuneately oblong, obtuse or rounded at the apex or rarely subacute or more or less truncate with the corners rounded, apiculate, finely adpressed-pubescent on both surfaces. Racemes 2-5 cm long, varying from about as long as to twice as long as the leaves, with the peduncle below the lowest scar of fallen flowers 5-15 mm long, and always shorter than the leaves and often shorter than the petiolar axis. Pedicels 3-7 mm long. Calyx not more than one-quarter of the length of the corolla, with deltoid lobes 1-2 mm long. Corolla 10-16 mm long; standard adpressed-pubescent with brown hairs on the back. Pods drooping, 3-4 cm long, 3 mm thick, terete, straight, adpressed-pubescent with very minute white and dark brown hairs intermingled.