Glabrous lianas, with hooks. Buds often covered with resin. Stipules simple, entire or dentate, often covered with resin. Leaves distichously arranged. Flowers in fascicles in the axils of (often fallen) leaves, rarely solitary, heterodis-tylous. Bracts absent. Pedicel densely beset with often numerous, ± spirally arranged, persistent, imbricate bracteoles and often covered with resin. Sepals free, unequal. Petals very thin. Nectary glands absent. Ovary 3(-4)-loculed; styles 3-4(-5), basally connate to free. Drupe indehiscent, 1-(rarely 2-)seeded with 2 (or 1) reduced locule(s). Seed ventrally attached, arillate. Embryo straight or slightly curved. Endosperm copious, oily.
Rain-forest, also along the seashore, estuaries and on sanddunes, up to 1500 m.