Leaf lamina ovate to oblong, 4–12 × 3·5–9·5 cm., acute to rounded at the mucronate apex, cordate at the base, entire, pubescent or hairy on both surfaces; petiole 2·5–8·5 cm. long, hairy.
Flowers in 2–5–flowered often lax, sometimes dense cymes; peduncle 1·5–10·5 cm. long pedicels 1–3·5 cm. long; bracts lanceolate, more or less 3 mm. long, hairy like the sepals.
Sepals ovate to lanceolate, 7–12 × 1·5–3 mm., narrowed at the apex, yellowish hairy, minutely hirsute on the reverse and margin; inner ones narrower.
Corolla funnel-shaped, white to mauve, usually, 2–4 cm. long, midpetaline areas very distinctly purple, at least at the centre minutely hirsute.
Stems slender, twining or prostrate, up to 3 m., more or less densely covered with yellowish spreading hairs.
Seeds brown, minutely velvety sometimes with long white hairs on the upper angles.
Capsule globose, glabrous, tipped with indurated persistent style base.
Flowers pale mauve with mauve centre, in cymose inflorescences.
Climbing in grass
Perennial herb.