Flowers axillary, solitary or geminate; peduncle 0·4–2·5 cm. long, slender, pubescent or glabrescent; pedicels 1·8–3·5 cm. long, thicker than peduncles, glandulous-muriculate; bracts linear, 2–3 mm. long.
Sepals ovate-elliptic, 6–8·5 mm. long, acute or obtuse, glabrous but verruculous-tuberculate.
Stems twining or prostrate, slender, glabrous or scarcely hairy principally at the nodes.
Capsule globose, glabrous, tipped with persistent style base.
Corolla funnel-shaped, white, 1·8–3 cm. long, glabrous.
Seeds ovoid appressed pubescent or velvety.
Annual or perennial herb.