Trees to 6 m tall or shrubs, the branchlets angular, usually densely villosulose or villose, the nodes well spaced, often constricted. Leaves oblong, widely lan-ceolate, occasionally obovate oblong, to 46 cm long, to 28 cm wide, cuspidate, the cusp to 2.5 cm long, deltoid to acute at the apex, subobtuse to cuneate at the base, often attenuate, occasionally slightly inequilateral, the costa slender, sub-immersed or slightly prominulous above, prominent beneath, especially proxi-mally, the secondary veins 15-22, rigid, ascending, the intervenal areas with perpendicular veinlets, membranous, papyraceous, rarely subcoriaceous, usually dull grey green beneath when dry, glabrous above, appressed villosulose beneath; petioles 0.5-6 cm long, the lamina decurrent adaxially, pubescent; stipules tra-peziform or ovate elliptic, to 1.6 cm long, acute, carinate, villose. Inflorescences terminal, solitary, puberulent, thrysiform, pyramidal, oblong or subrotund, rarely wider than long, shorter than the terminal leaves, to 21 cm long, to 10 cm wide, the peduncles absent or to 5 cm long, often stout, to 0.6 cm wide, angular, the basal branches usually opposite, the lower branches of epedunculate inflores-cences more remote from the upper branches, these appearing whorled, densely flowered. Flowers with the hypanthium and calycine cup subrotund, ca. 4 mm diam., to 2 mm long, sparsely pubescent outside, but with patches of glands at or near the apex of the cup within, the teeth 4-5, scarcely evident; corolla yellow, the tube narrowly cylindrical, ca. 20 mm long, glabrous outside, pubescent above the middle within, the lobes ca. 6 mm long, slightly cucullate, about 1/3 the length of the tube or less, golden villose within; stamens 5, the anthers oblong, ca. 3.5 mm long, acute at the apex, the filaments crassate, about as long as the anther, attached near the corolla mouth; ovarian disc prominent, padlike, the style linear, ca. 25 mm long, the stigmas 5, linear oblong, ca. 5 mm long. Fruits depressed rotund, to 7 mm in diam., glabrous to puberulent; seeds brown, to 1 mm long, favose.