Erect perennial herbs to 1 m tall; stems, leaves and branches of inflorescence bearing slender nonglandular puberulence and few to many glandular puncta-tions; stems greenish to pale brown, terete to slightly hexagonal, scarcely striate, minutely puberulous. Leaves and all but upper bracts of inflorescence opposite; blades narrowly elliptical to lanceolate, to 9 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, the base narrowly cuneate and decurrent on petiole, the margins entire to slightly serrulate, the apex narrowly acute, the surface with dense puberulence, the hairs stiff and slender, the veins prominently trinervate-from near base; petioles indistinct to ca. 5 mm long, usually slightly winged. Inflorescence with long branches bearing heads singly or in clusters of 2-6, usually in clusters of 3. Heads 8-10 mm high or higher when older, usually with more than 100 florets; involucral bracts ca. 15, subequal, lanceolate, ca. 4 mm long, puberulous and glandular-punctate on outer surface, bicostate with costae fused above into stout projecting tip; paleas very similar to involucral bracts but with wider scarious margins and more rounded or truncate tip, the fused costae abruptly projecting as mucro; corolla white, ca. 2 mm long, glands few, sometimes a few stiff short hairs on lobes, the lobes with papillae on inner surface near tip and on margins; anther appendages triangular to oblong, ca. 250 microns long and 150 microns wide. Achenes ca. 1.5 mm long, glabrous; carpo-podium small but distinct with up to 25 layers of small cells on wider part; pappus lacking.