Shrub to 1.5 m tall. Branchlets pale brown to mid-brown; branchlets and immature leaves hirsute long, spreading, reddish hairs. Leaves simple, sessile; lamina linear to narrowly obovate, flat, 5-16 cm long, obtuse, mucronate, glabrescent, occasionally remaining hirsute; margin often recurved; midrib prominent beneath. Inflorescence globose, terminal, sessile, solitary or occasionally with 2 additional cones clustered towards end of branchlets, 30-40 mm diam.; involucral bracts deltoid, villous; cone scales ±obovate, densely villous, with a deciduous, acuminate apex. Flowers to c. 15 mm long, white, creamy yellow to pale yellow, densely hairy over most of limb; tube glabrous. Pollen presenter c. 3.5 mm long; basal part papillose, swollen, constricted then dilated into a globose part; apical part glabrous, distinctly channelled, scarcely swollen except for stigmatic cup. Cones globose to ovoid-oblong, 20-30 mm diam. Nuts ovoid, beaked, to c. 4 mm long, villous.