Plants mostly 0.5-1.0 mm high. Corm subglobose, mostly 14-18 mm diam., tunics of firm, wiry fibres accumulating in dense mass, with small cormlets at base. Leaves usually 4 (5 or 6), lower 3 or 4 lanceolate to subfalcate, mostly 8-14 mm wide, ± 1/4-1/3 as long as stem, margins thickened, usually plane, uppermost 1 or 2 leaves sheathing stem below spike. Stem erect, sheathed below ground by collar of fibres, with up to 10 short, slender, ascending branchlets subtended by truncate-apiculate bracts and prophylls 0.5-1.0(-2.0) mm long. Main spike suberect, mostly 4-to 6-flowered, lateral spikes ascending, mostly 2-to 6-flowered; bracts translucent becoming tinged brown at tips, outer with 3 dark veins, (6-)8-10 mm long, 3-toothed or bluntly 3-lobed, subequal or inner slightly longer, with 2 dark veins and forked apically. Flowers ± nodding, pale pink with white cup, faintly acrid-metallic-scented or apparently unscented; perianth tube 7.5-10.2 mm long, widely funnel-shaped, flaring in upper 4-5 mm; tepals subequal, narrowly ovate to subspathulate, (15-)17-20 x 7-9 mm, proximal ± 3 mm forming part of floral cup, spreading distally. Filaments ± 4 mm long, inserted ± 3.5 mm above base of tube; anthers 3.5-4.0 mm long, half exserted from tube but included in floral cup, yellow. Style dividing opposite middle 1/3 of anthers, branches 1.5-2.0 mm long, extending between anthers.
Like I. rapunculoides but mostly 0.5-1.1 m tall, leaves 4 or 5, lower 3 or 4 leathery, lanceolate. Flowers pink, acrid scented, perianth tube 8-9 mm long. Late Aug.-Sept.