Plants 350-550 mm high. Corm globose, 12-15 mm diam.; tunics of coarse, netted fibres. Stem usually 1 to 3 slender, short, strongly divergent branches. Leaves 4 to 6, linear to narrowly lanceolate, 1/2 to ± 2/3 as long as stem, 2-6 mm wide, main vein and margins moderately thickened, uppermost leaf partly sheathing stem. Spike closely 5-to 9-flowered; bracts membranous, translucent, flushed dark brown, outer 5-6 mm long, usually with 3 prominent purple veins, either 3-toothed or with one prominent tooth, inner 2-veined, 2-toothed. Flowers ± salver-shaped, pink to purple or blue-mauve with large, purple-black or turquoise central mark, unscented; perianth tube cylindric, 5-7 mm long; tepals obovate to elliptic, spreading, subequal, 15-20 x 7-12 mm. Filaments ± 5 mm long, purple-black; anthers 5-7 mm long, dark purple-black; pollen yellow. Style dividing opposite base of filaments, branches falcate, 4-5 mm long.
Cormous geophyte, 35-50 cm, stem with widely spreading branches. Leaves linear. Flowers few, crowded terminally, mostly bluish to purple, with dark centre, tube filiform.