Plants 250-450 mm high. Corm 9-18 mm diam., tunics of firm, medium-textured, netted fibres. Stem usually unbranched or with a single short branch. Leaves 2, lower 1 ± basal, lanceolate, (4-)6-10 mm wide, conspicuously 3-veined, main vein moderately thickened, secondary veins slightly less so, margins not or barely thickened, upper leaf sheathing stem in lower 1/2. Spike flexuose, 5-to 12-flowered; bracts membranous, translucent, sometimes turning rusty brown in upper 1/3, outer 5-6 mm long, with prominent main vein and up to 6 secondary veins, 1-toothed or ± fringed, inner ± as long as outer, 2-veined and 2-toothed. Flowers rotate, deep rose-pink, unscented; perianth tube filiform, 4-5 mm long, clasping style; tepals spreading, ovate-elliptic, obtuse to retuse, 12-15 x 6-8 mm. Filaments inserted at mouth of tube, filiform, 2-4 mm long, ± white; anthers erect, suborbicular, ± 2 mm long, yellow, thecae acute, recurved at base, dehiscing almost to apex. Style dividing at base of filaments, branches falcate, 2.5-3.0 mm long, tubular-filiform, pale pink.
Cormous geophyte, 20-40 cm. Leaves 2, lowermost lanceolate, with 3 prominent veins, upper leaf entirely sheathing. Flowers pink, pale in throat, tube filiform, anthers oblong, style branches recurved.