Inflorescence a neat many–flowered flat–topped or rounded corymb, terminal on side branches; peduncle and other axes densely whitish pubescent; flowers scented.
Corolla white inside, greenish–white outside; tube 8·5–12 mm. long; lobes 5, 3–5 x 2–4 mm., broadly elliptic with rounded or cuspidate apex.
Calyx puberulous, tube c. 2 mm. long, with 5 (6) shallowly triangular to shortly cuspidate–acuminate teeth up to 0·75 mm. long.
Stamens inserted ± at the middle of the corolla tube; filaments up to 1 mm. long, anthers 3–4 mm. long.
Acarodomatia present, usually occurring in axils of lateral nerves almost up to leaflet apex.
Young shoots and petioles smooth and glabrous; bark of older branches becoming corky.
Climber with long flexuous twining stems; nodes of main branches well spaced.
Petiole 0–3–5 cm. long; petiolules of lateral leaflets 0·2–2·5 cm. long.
Leaves trifoliolate, glossy above, glabrous except for acarodomatia.
Style either reaching to mouth of corolla tube or half as long.
Fruit 1–2–lobed, lobes c. 1 cm. long when dry, elliptic.