Leaves drying papery, pilose or glabrous, with usually conspicuous venation; lamina 2·8–9 x 1·5–4·5 cm., ovate, oblong–ovate or obovate–oblong, the base cordate to obtuse, the apex shortly acuminate.
Flowers in terminal few–flowered cymes and also present, solitary or in few–flowered cymes, in axils of subterminal leaves, sweet–scented; peduncles up to 20 mm. long; pedicels 8–25 mm. long.
Corolla white inside, pink outside; tube 18–26 mm. long, lobes 6–8, 10–20 mm. long, linear, apex acute to acuminate.
Stamens inserted near top of corolla tube; filaments c. 1 mm. long, anthers 2·5–4 mm. long.
Young sterns glabrous or pilose and glabrescent, older sterns with smooth bark.
Calyx glabrous to pilose; tube 2–3 mm. long, lobes 5–6, 2–7 mm. long, subulate.
Acarodornatia present in axils of most lateral veins, hispid–pilose.
Style either exserted from tube or c. i as long, with bifid stigma.
Petioles 2–9 mm. long, articulated at about the middle.
Liane climbing to 6 m., rather sparsely branched.
Fruit lobes c. 7 mm. long, subglobose.
Flowers pure white, fragrant
A slender scandent shrub
Fruits black.