Juniperus horizontalis Moench

Waukegan juniper (en), Sevigné (fr), Genévrier horizontal (fr)


Gymnosperms > Cupressales > Cupressaceae > Juniperus


Shrubs dioecious, prostrate to decumbent; crown depressed. Bark brown, exfoliating in thin strips, that of small branchlets (5--10 mm diam.) smooth, that of larger branchlets exfoliating in wide strips or plates. Branches creeping; branchlets erect, 3--4-sided in cross section, ca. 2/3 or less as wide as length of scalelike leaves. Leaves green but turning reddish purple in winter, abaxial gland elliptic, conspicuous, exudate absent, margins entire (at 20´ and 40´); whip leaves 4--8 mm, not glaucous adaxially; scalelike leaves 1.5--2 mm, mostly overlapping to 1/3 their length, apex rounded or obtuse to acute and apiculate, spreading. Seed cones mostly maturing in 2 years, of 2 distinct sizes, generally with curved peduncles, globose to ovoid, 5--7 mm, blue-black to brownish blue when mature, lightly glaucous, soft and resinous, with 1--2(--3) seeds. Seeds 4--5 mm. 2 n = 22.
Branches closely prostrate, often much elongate, with numerous erect branches 1–3 dm; lvs mostly scale-like and appressed, varying from ovate and 1–2 mm to oblong and to 4 mm; cones on short, recurved peduncles, blue, 5–8 mm thick; seeds mostly 3–5, not pitted. Rocky or sandy places; nearly transcontinental in Can., from Nf., Lab., and Que. to Yukon and n. B.C. and disjunct in Alas., more scattered s. to Me. (esp. along the coast), N.H., N.Y., Mich. (notably along the shores of the Great Lakes), Wis., Minn., and Wyo. Hybridizes with J. virginiana.
A low lying shrub. The shoots are long and trailing. The leaves are like scales. They are opposite each other and each pair is at right angles to the next. They are triangle shaped and overlap. They are 1-2 mm long. The pollen cone is brown. It is 2 mm long. The fruit are oval and 6 mm long. There are 1-4 seeds.
Life form perennial
Growth form shrub
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality dioecy
Pollination anemogamy
Spread -
Mature width (meter) 3.0
Mature height (meter) 0.6 - 1.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) 0.3
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


Usually on more or less open ground; on sandy beaches, sand dunes, dry rocky slopes and outcrops, limestone ridges, dry 'barrens', grassland, open bogs, heathland and stream banks, often forming wide patches; at elevations up to 1,160 metres
It is a temperate plant. It grows in exposed places and on rocks or sand.
Light 6-8
Soil humidity 4-8
Soil texture 1-6
Soil acidity 3-8
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-8


The fruit are roasted and used as a coffee substitute. The young leaves and tips are used for tea.
Uses beverage coffee substitute environmental use fiber material medicinal stabilisation of sandy soils tea
Edible fruits leaves seeds
Therapeutic use Ceremonial Medicine (leaf), Gynecological Aid (leaf), Veterinary Aid (root), Kidney Aid (seed), Kidney Aid (unspecified), Cold Remedy (unspecified), Cough Medicine (unspecified), Febrifuge (unspecified), Herbal Steam (unspecified), Love Medicine (unspecified), Sedative (unspecified), Throat Aid (unspecified), Wart (unspecified), Kidney (unspecified)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by cuttings or seedlings. Seeds needs soaking.
Mode cuttings seedlings
Germination duration (days) 30 - 180
Germination temperacture (C°) 7 - 10
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment soaking
Minimum temperature (C°) -30
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Juniperus horizontalis habit picture by tayler (cc-by-sa)
Juniperus horizontalis habit picture by Matthias Foellmer (cc-by-sa)


Juniperus horizontalis leaf picture by Melanie Strong (cc-by-sa)
Juniperus horizontalis leaf picture by Samantha Salmond (cc-by-sa)
Juniperus horizontalis leaf picture by Deena Rizwan (cc-by-sa)


Juniperus horizontalis flower picture by Cattoo Cat (cc-by-sa)


Juniperus horizontalis fruit picture by Mercedes Mitchell (cc-by-sa)
Juniperus horizontalis fruit picture by Maarten Vanhove (cc-by-sa)
Juniperus horizontalis fruit picture by Michel G (cc-by-sa)


Juniperus horizontalis world distribution map, present in Brazil, Canada, France, and United States of America

Conservation status

Juniperus horizontalis threat status: Least Concern


WFO ID wfo-0000355700
BDTFX ID 101301
INPN ID 610894
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Juniperus hudsonica Juniperus repens Juniperus racemosa Juniperus prostrata Sabina racemosa Sabina prostrata Sabina horizontalis Juniperus sabina f. prostrata Sabina horizontalis f. douglasii Juniperus virginiana var. prostrata Juniperus horizontalis subsp. hamptonensis Juniperus horizontalis subsp. neopangaea Juniperus horizontalis var. alpina Juniperus horizontalis var. glomerata Juniperus sabina var. prostrata Juniperus sabina var. procumbens Juniperus sabina var. humilis Juniperus sabina var. alpina Juniperus horizontalis f. alpina Juniperus horizontalis f. glomerata Juniperus horizontalis f. lobata Juniperus horizontalis var. variegata Juniperus horizontalis var. douglasii Juniperus horizontalis