rachises tomentose; bracts linear lanceolate, mostly 11 mm long, 1-2 mm wide, the bracteoles similar though a little smaller, both puberulous. Flowers with 5-merous calyx, the segments lanceolate, to 7 mm long, 1.5 mm wide at the base, puberulous; corolla yellow, bilabiate, cylindrical, to 5.5 cm long, 3 mm wide, puberulous-glandular outside, glabrous inside except for bearded throat, the lips ca. 2.5 cm long, the upper lip erect, 7 mm wide, apically acute, the lower lip 6 mm wide, apically 3-lobed, the lobes ca. 1 mm long, apically rounded and slightly hooded, especially the middle lobe; stamens exserted to about the tip of the upper lip, the anthers 3 mm long, glabrous, the cells unequal, basally acute, the filaments stout, ca. 0.75 mm wide, glabrous; ovary 2 mm long, 1 mm wide, gla-brous. Capsule puberulous, clavate, 2.0-2.5 cm long, ca. 5 mm wide, 4 mm thick; seeds 4, flattened, suborbicular, ca. 2 mm in diameter, the surface roughened.
Shrub to 3.5 m tall; stem subquadrangular when young, tomentose. Leaves ovate to ovate elliptic, 15-40 cm long, 8-17 cm wide, apically acuminate, basally attenuate, glabrous to sparingly strigose above, the hairs more dense on the costa, glabrous to strigose beneath, hairs more dense at the costa, the cystoliths dense and prominent on the upper surface, the margins entire, undulate or crenulate; petioles 1-9 cm long, tomentose. Inflorescences densely thyrsoid at or near the ends of the branches, 8-33 cm long, ca. 5 cm wide excluding the flowers, the