Suffrutex or much-branched shrublet up to 0.35 m high, rounded or cushion-like, occasionally diffuse, old plants very gnarled, bark white, becoming grey with age. Branches hairy when young, becoming glabrous and polished, pale grey, creamy or white. Leaves petiolate, glabrous or with short hairs and often with glands, elliptic, ovate or obovate, 8-10(-15) mm long, apex obtuse or acute, thin in texture; petiole up to 4 mm long. Flowers solitary. Bracteoles narrow, 3 mm long at an thesis. Calyx hairy and/or glandular, lobes like bracteoles, 5 mm long, lengthening in fruit. Corolla 10-11 mm long, purple, mauve or white. Capsule minutely hairy, 7-8 mm long. Seeds (immature) more or less round, lenticular, 2 mm in diameter, brown.