Woody shrublet, 0.14-0.60 m high. Stems thick, gnarled, may become spinescent, glabrous, pubescent or with long white-opaque hairs. Bark grey, cracked and furrowed; young branches subherbaceous. Leaves glabrous, pubescent or with a few long white-opaque hairs, ovate to lanceolate, 3.5-13.0 x 1.5-7.0 mm, apex acute to obtuse, base cuneate, sessile, leathery, midrib prominent but side veins not visible. Inflorescence of scattered cymes each reduced to a single pedunculate axillary flower. Peduncle and pedicel stout, 1-10 mm long. Bract absent. Bracteoles 2, glabrous, pubescent or with long, white-opaque hairs, triangular, 1-2 mm long, joined at base across peduncle. Calyx glabrous, pubescent or with long white-opaque hairs on inner surface. Corolla 7-10 mm long, white with maroon markings. Pollen 2-colporate, 30-49 µm long, sexine with entire margocolpus. Capsule 1-seeded, clavate, glabrous, hard, up to 17 mm long.
Perennial shrub or dwarf shrub, 0.15-0.75 m high. Leaves glabrous, with a few, long, white-opaque hairs or pubescent, ovate to lanceolate. Inflorescence of scattered, axillary cymes reduced to single pendunculate flower. Bract absent. Bracteoles 2. Flowering time Dec.-Feb. Fruit a 1-seeded capsule.
Like J. cuneata but sometimes thorny and flowers smaller, shorter than 10 mm.