A climber. The leaf blade is oblong and 6-10 cm long by 2-3 cm wide. The base is wedge shaped. The fruit are red and 4-8 cm long by 4-5 cm wide. There are 1 or 2 seeds in each fruit section.
Life form | - | ||||||||||||
Growth form | shrub | ||||||||||||
Growth support | climber | ||||||||||||
Foliage retention | evergreen | ||||||||||||
Sexuality | dioecy | ||||||||||||
Pollination | - | ||||||||||||
Spread | - | ||||||||||||
Mature width (meter) | - | ||||||||||||
Mature height (meter) | - | ||||||||||||
Root system | - | ||||||||||||
Rooting depth (meter) | - | ||||||||||||
Root diameter (meter) | - | ||||||||||||
Flower color | - | ||||||||||||
Blooming months |
Fruit color | - | ||||||||||||
Fruiting months |
Nitrogen fixer | - | ||||||||||||
Photosynthetic pathway | c3 |
Light |
Soil humidity | |
Soil texture | |
Soil acidity | |
Soil nutriment | - |
Hardiness (USDA) |
Uses | medicinal |
Edible | fruits seeds |
Therapeutic use | - |
Human toxicity | - |
Animal toxicity | - |
Mode | cuttings seedlings |
Germination duration (days) | - |
Germination temperacture (C°) | - |
Germination luminosity | - |
Germination treatment | - |
Minimum temperature (C°) | - |
Optimum temperature (C°) | - |
Size | - |
Vigor | - |
Productivity | - |
LSID | urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:554588-1 |
WFO ID | wfo-0000357339 |
BDTFX ID | - |
INPN ID | - |
Wikipedia (EN) | |
Wikipedia (FR) |