Plants 10--40 cm tall. Rhizomes and roots tuberous. Leaves 4--7; leaf sheath 1.5--1.7 cm, villous; ligule 2-cleft, membranous, villous; petiole 0.2--6 cm; leaf blade adaxially deep green, abaxially grayish green, rarely purple on both sides of midvein, ovate or elliptic, rarely oblanceolate, 7--27 × 2.5--9.5 cm, glabrous, base cuneate, apex acute. Inflorescences on separate shoots arising from rhizomes, appearing before pseudostems, capitate, 4--9-flowered; peduncle 1--2 cm; bracts white with fine, purple dots adaxially, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 1--1.6 cm; bracteoles ovate, 9--10 × 3--5 mm, apex becoming 2-lobed after anthesis. Calyx white proximally, pale purple distally, narrowly tubular, 3--6 cm. Corolla tube 4--7 cm; lobes white, lanceolate, 3--4.5 cm. Lateral staminodes white proximally, pale purple distally, obovate, 3--3.5 × 0.9--1.2 cm. Labellum purple, more deeply colored at center, apically 2-lobed for ca. 1/2 its length; lobes with yellowish midvein, ca. 1.5 cm. Filament 3--4 mm; anther yellowish, 7--10 mm; connective appendage white with purple veins, lanceolate, entire or 2-cleft, 8--10 mm. Ovary cylindric, 4--5 mm. Capsule ellipsoid. Fl. Apr--May, fr. Jul--Aug.