Small epiphytic herbs, the plants considerably resembling those of a small Gongora or Stanbopea. Pseudobulbs ovoid, somewhat compressed, angulate, the apex with 2-3 broadly elliptic-lanceolate, acute, plicate leaves. Inflorescences pendent racemes from the base of the pseudobulbs, the rachis densely covered with glandular hairs. Flowers relatively small, about 6 or fewer. Sepals sub-equal, free, spreading, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, covered with glandular hairs on the outer surfaces. Petals subequal to the sepals but nar-rower and shorter, lanceolate or oblanceolate, acute or acuminate. Lip! mem-branaceous or fleshy, 3-lobed, the lateral lobes large, spreading or erect, obliquely angulate and subdolabriform when spread out, or broadly ovate and subtruncate toward the basal claw, mid-lobe small, subcordate or triangular, concave or flat, separated from the laterals by emarginate sinuses or plicate folds; disk with an erect, fleshy, laterally compressed or carinate, dorsally 1-or 2-sulcate, 2-lobed or acute linguiform callus. Column elongate, more or less arcuate, slender below, broadly winged above, without a foot. Anther terminal, operculate, incumbent, 1-celled. Rostellum elongate, the apex obcordate or acuminate; pollinia 2, waxy.