Shrub or small tree, to 6.5 m; young branches, buds and young foliage covered in strigose hairs. Leaves elliptic or narrowly elliptic, 14 by 5.5 cm, thinly chartaceous, base narrowly or broadly cuneate, apex with a short obtuse apiculum, or tapered to a long acute apiculum, margin finely or more coarsely dentate, midrib prominent below, lateral veins arched and uniting within the margin, traces of the tomentum persisting on the mature leaves, espe-cially on the midrib below, or the blade more or less glabrous; petiole c. 5-10 mm, channelled above, strigose. Monoecious. Inflorescences terminal, axil-lary or supra-axillary, of compacted dichasia (fasci-cles) or with the peduncle evident, c. 10-20 mm long, strigose and bracteate. Male flowers ovoid, 3 pairs of rounded tepals; 4 stamens in the outer whorl, 0-3 in the inner whorl. Female flowers not seen. Peduncle below fruit remaining short or elongating slightly (to c. 10 mm), pedicel may also elongate under fruiting receptacle; receptacle becoming woody, c. 5 mm Ø (without stipes), stipes short (up to c. 2 mm long), strigose or glabrous. Drupes ovoid, 18 by 13 mm.