Small tree, 4 m; young branches finely pubescent. Leaves narrowly obovate, 10-15 by 3-4.5 cm, sub-chartaceous, base narrowly cuneate, apex apiculate, margin dentate, midrib prominent below, lateral veins c. 7-9 pairs, arched ascending, glabrous at ma-turity; petioles to 15 mm long, channelled above. Monoecious. Inflorescences fasciculate (compacted cymes) c. 10-14 mm long, with small bracts around the peduncle and the bases of the pedicels; pedicels and usually the receptacle also bearing minute bracts. Male receptacle subglobose, narrowed into the pedicel, c. 3 mm Ø; tepals in 3 pairs; stamens 4 in outer whorl, c. 3 in inner whorl. Female receptacle similar, c. 4 mm Ø, ostiole surrounded by c. 3 pairs of tepals and bearing within large pendulous glands; carpels c. 18. Drupes not seen, but described by the collector as ovoid, 20 by 16 mm.