Shrub c. 3 m high, glabrous. Leaves narrowly oblong-elliptic, 21 by 6.5 cm, chartaceous, base cuneate, apex apiculate, apiculum obtuse, margin sharply serrate, midrib and lateral veins and their junctions prominent, main veins numerous (8-10 pairs) with subsidiary lateral veins between them and a prominent reticulation; petiole 15-20 mm, chan-nelled above. Monoecious. Inflorescences axillary, of short compacted dichasia (fascicles), c. 10 mm long, one or more in an axil. Male flower ovoid, c. 2 mm Ø; 4 pairs of tepals, the outer triangular, the inner rounded; outer stamens 4, inner c. 2; filament short, glabrous. Female flowers and fruit not seen.