Shrub to 5 m, young branches with dense crisp brown tomentum. Leaves elliptic, 11 by 3.8 cm, char-taceous, base cuneate, apex narrowed into an ob-scure apiculum, margin dentate, midrib and veins prominent below, lateral veins few, strongly arched and meeting within the margin, upper surface be-coming ± glabrous, lower surface retaining the crisp tomentum; petiole c. 10 mm, densely tomentose. Monoecious. Inflorescence axillary or terminal, of solitary flowers, fascicles, or short pleiochasia, pubescent in all parts. Male flowers ovoid, 1.5 mm long, strigose on the outer surface; 3 pairs of rounded tepals; stamens 2 with 1 central staminode (only 2 flowers dissected); anther with a single horizontal opening; filament short, strigose. Female flowers ovoid, 2.7 mm long, densely strigose on the outer surface and with hairs on the inner surface between the carpels, c. 4 pairs of tepals and prominent pendu-lous glandular swellings within the ostiole; carpels c. 12-15, ovary pubescent, stigma blunt. Fruits not seen.