Prostrate aromatic herb with slender branches up to 75 cm; internodes 1-5 cm long. Leaves ovate (basal ones sometimes suborbicular), 7-28 x 6-27 mm (4-6 x 4-5 mm on protruding stems), apex acute to rounded, base shallowly cordate to broadly cuneate, margins crenate with few teeth (2-8); petioles 1-5 mm long. Flowers 1-2 per bract (up to very rarely almost 6 in lax cymes). Peduncles threadlike, 5-24 mm long, bibracteolate in the distal half, some-times bracteoles just 1-2 mm from flower, pedicels1-10 mm, bracteoles linear, 1-2.5 mm long. Calyx campanulate, 15-nerved; tube 1.5-4 mm long, teeth subequal, triangular, 1-2 mm long, straight to slightly bent outwards, enlarging in fruit. Corolla almost white to violet suffused, often creamy yellow on lower side between the two hairy ridges (sometimes with a deeper violet touch), 9-19 mm long; tube 5-12 mm long, 3-7 mm wide at mouth; upper lip emarginate, 1-2 x 3-6 mm; lower lip curved downwards, 3-lobed, middle lobe emarginate, 4-7 x 3-7 mm, lateral lobes round, 2-3 mm in diameter. Filaments: upper ones up to 1.5 mm long, lower ones up to 4.5 mm long. Anthers < 1 mm long. Disc slightly lobed. Style straight, 1 cm long, hidden in a furrow on upper inside of corolla tube. Stigma lobes very unequal, the anticous being about 0.8 mm and rhomboid, the posticous being very short, filiform. Nutlets c. 2 x 1 mm.
Perennial herb; stems prostrate, slender, glandular-villous, 0.25-0.6 m long. Leaves sessile to shortly petiolate; blade ovate to broadly ovate, 16-24 x 12-20 mm, glandular-pubescent, apex obtuse to rounded, base truncate to subcordate, margin obscurely few-toothed to subentire. Flowers in 1-3(-5)-flowered cymes; pedicels (strictly peduncle plus pedicel) slender, 10-25 mm long with a pair of minute bracteoles about the middle. Calyx glandular-hispid, up to 6 mm long, shortly toothed. Corolla white to pale blue with a median yellow stripe, 10-15 mm long; tube campanulate, 6-11 mm long; upper lip 2.5 mm long; lower lip 4 mm long (corolla minute, yellowish, up to 6 mm long in cleistogamous plants).