Shrubs 0.9-1.3 m high, with long straight stems. Stem simple or with a few branches produced in upper 1/3; leafy stems (2-)3-4 mm wide, 8-10 mm diam. near base. Leaves glaucous to pale green, sometimes densely papillose, 12-180(-210) x (3-)5-8 mm. Inflorescence with 10 to 20 flowers (5 to 10 flower pairs); foliage bracts with sheathing part translucent creamy yellow, apices green; spathes membranous, 16-20 mm long, outer somewhat larger than inner, bracts membranous and translucent, 12-14 mm long. Flowers transparent below, creamy yellow above and deep yellow on exserted part of limbs; perianth tube 4.5(-6.0) mm long; tepals 42-48 mm long, limbs ± 6-8 mm long, obtuse, outer ± 2 mm wide, spooned above, inner ± 1.4 mm wide, ± flat, slightly longer than outer, exserted from inflorescence bracts. Filaments 35-40 mm long, cream-coloured; anthers 7-8 mm long, reaching to within 1-5 mm of tepal tips, yellow; pollen yellow. Ovary ± 2.5 mm long; style 48-55 mm long, ultimately exceeding tepals by 3-4 mm, stigmatic lobes minute. Capsules narrowly ovoid, ± 7 x 3-4 mm at widest. Seeds pale grey, ± 7 x 2.5-3.0 mm.
Evergreen shrub, 80-130 cm. Leaves lanceolate. Flowers in congested, brush-like heads, bright yellow, style shortly exceeding tepals, inflorescence bracts pale green.