Plants several-stemmed. Leaves broad, erect, ensiform, 600-900 x 20-40 mm, midgreen, V-shaped in cross section, tapering rapidly to apex; margin and keel finely and regularly serrulate. Scape shorter than leaves at flowering stage, 400-800 mm tall, eventually elongating to 1 m. Raceme narrowly ovoid, conical to tapering at apex, dense, 70-110 x 45-50 mm; buds pendulous, red to dull blood-red; flowers pendulous, imbricate, greenish to yellow-green. Bracts broadly oblong, obtuse to rounded, 7-9 mm long; margin very minutely serrulate to almost entire. Pedicels 1 mm long, elongating in fruit to 3 mm. Perianth subcylindrical, 30-35 mm long; lobes ovate, 3 mm long, not spreading. Stamens exserted by 4-6 mm at anthesis, usually remaining exserted by 2-3 mm. Fruit erect, broadly ovoid, 5 mm long.