Raceme 30–60 cm long, lax or ± dense, very dense in bud, elongating as the flowers open; bracts 5.5–11 mm long, oblong to ovate-oblong, rounded, brownish, with fimbriate-serrulate margins; pedicels 3–6 mm long.
Leaves 1.8–2 m long, 2.3–3.7 cm wide at the base, linear, acuminate, strongly keeled, tough and fibrous, with serrulate margins.
Perianth 25–38 mm long, slightly curved, constricted above the ovary, gradually widened to the mouth.
Stamens included or the anthers just exserted at anthesis, later withdrawn; anthers turning blackish.
Flowers patent, red, orange-red, light vermillion or orange, with yellow tips, buds red.
Rhizome with short, well-spaced, erect, shoot-bearing branches; roots thick, fleshy.
Style eventually exserted by 3–10 mm.
Plants solitary, 1.5–3 m tall.
Peduncle up to 2.5 m long.
Capsule not seen.