Leaves erect at first, usually becoming bent over, up to 2 m long, 1.5–5 cm wide, linear, keeled below, grooved above but with the surface of the leaf almost flat, sparsely serrulate on margins and midrib, tough, strongly ribbed when dry, dull green or glaucous.
Raceme 6.5–28 cm long, moderately dense; bracts c. 7 mm long, sterile bracts up to c. 12 × 5 mm, lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, subacute.
Perennial herb. Leaves midgreen, 10-20 mm broad. Peduncle up to 2.5 m high. Flowers greenish yellow to orange-yellow.
Perianth c. 25 mm long, slightly constricted above the ovary, narrow funnel-shaped, straight.
Rhizome horizontal with closely-spaced erect corm-like branches; roots slightly swollen.
Stamens exserted by 5–10 mm at anthesis, remaining exserted.
Capsule 5.5–7 mm in length, subglobose, slightly pointed.
Seeds c. 2 mm long, angular, with yellowish-brown wings.
Plants clump-forming, robust, up to 2 m tall.
Style eventually exserted for about 10 mm.
Peduncle up to 162 cm long, fairly stout.
Flowers orange to reddish-orange.