Perennial herb; caulescent. Stem solitary to several, short. Leaves ± distichous, succulent, ascending, firm; blade tending to be spirally twisted, 350-650 x 8-25 mm, keeled; margins and keel entire. Flowers: inflorescence overtopping leaves, 0.50-0.75 m high, racemes cylindrical, very dense; perianth 4.5-6.5 mm long, dark brown and erect in bud, brown to purplish brown and ascending to spreading when mature; Feb., Mar.
Perennial herb. Leaves 350-650 mm long. Inflorescence 150-300 mm long. Peduncle up to 0.75 m high. Flowers spreading. Perianth 4.0-6.5 mm long. Bracts ovate-deltoid to subrotund. Flowers brown to purplish brown.