Terrestrial or epiphytic herbs, with or without minute subterete or 4-angulate pseudobulbs. Pseudobulbs when present completely enveloped by the imbricating bases of the foliaceous bracts, the apex with 1 or 2 long-petiolate, slender, plicate leaves; in plants without pseudobulbs, the several slender, plicate leaves resembling those of a Bletia, more or less contracted at the base into a short, sheathing petiole, the basal portions of which are enveloped in several imbricating bracts. Inflorescences lateral, erect, slender racemes, usually more or less equaling the leaves, produced from the base of the current season's growth. Flowers few to many, of moderate size, on short pedicels. Sepals subequal, free, more or less spreading, the laterals usually somewhat broader. Petals subequal to the dorsal sepal or a little less. Lip 3-lobed, contracted at the base into a short claw which is adnate to, or apparently articulated with, the foot of the column, the lateral lobes erect or somewhat spreading, the mid-lobe spreading, rounded or subquadrate, or subreniform, entire, or broadly 2-lobed; disk between the lateral lobes with a thickened callus. Column short, semi-terete, somewhat arcuate, the apical margins projecting and forming a short hood over the clinandrium, the base produced into a short, broad foot. Anther terminal, operculate, incumbent, 1-celled; pollinia 2, waxy.