Plants minute, to 3 cm long, slender, sparsely branched, not differentiated into distinct vegetative and flowering axes. Stems terete, to 10-noded; basal internode 2-3 mm long, 0.7-1 mm in diam.; succeeding internodes of the main stems to 9 mm long; distal flower-bearing internodes 1-3 mm long; venation not visible. Rudimentary leaves together encircling the node, c. 0.5 mm high, membranous, acute at the apices. Hairs of the floral cushion few, scarcely protruding, reddish. Flowers in 1 to 2 rows, 3-7 per cluster, the opposite clusters meeting and encircling the stem; male flowers solitary or with 2 subsidiary ones developing beside the first.