Plants stemless, 400-700 mm tall, usually in groups, rarely solitary. Leaves distichous, broadly lorate, 180-210 x 42-100 mm, apices rounded, fibrous, dull green, margins entire. Inflorescence a simple capitate raceme; peduncle 300-450 mm long, with sterile bracts; bracts lanceolate-acuminate, 11-25 x 4-7 mm, 3-7-nerved. Flowers orange-red or scarlet, 23-38 mm long, cylindric; inner and outer segments free; pedicels ±25 mm long, extending to 40-55 mm in fruit. Anthers and style included. Ovary ±8 x 3 mm, tapering into style. Fruit dark grey, with transverse ribs, ±25 x 14 mm. Seeds dark grey, with narrow wings, ±5.0 x 4.0 x 2.5 mm.
Acaulescent, succulent perennial, usually suckering to form dense colonies. Leaves distichous, dull glaucous-green, without spots, lorate, apex obtuse to rounded, to 18 cm long; margins reddish, minutely crenate at apex. Racemes ascending, capitate, ± dense, to 45 cm high. Flowers scarlet, ± 38 mm long; stamens not exserted; stigma slightly exserted.