Stems 0.5-2 mm in diameter, usually weak. Leaves alternate, spreading, soft, thin, transparent, light green, linear, average size 10 mm long and 1-5 mm broad, apex acute, margin with 3 rows of hyaline cells which contain no chlorophyll; teeth many, acicular, pointing upwards, leaf-tip with 2 slightly larger teeth; cells of lamina elongate-oblong, with 2-3 rows of cells on each side of the midrib somewhat lighter in colour. Male inflorescence with spathe-valves flat, obovate, about 4 mm long and 2 mm broad, with about 23 teeth on each side and with up to 40 flower-buds inside; flowers white to pink. Female inflorescence with spathe-valves ovoid, about 4-5 mm long and 1.5 mm broad, with about 25 long, acute teeth on each side; perianth white, maximum length about 25 cm; ovary flask-shaped, stigmas purple; ovules about 12, funicles straight (or bent in narrow ovaries). Capsule narrow-ovoid, 5-10 mm long, with about 9 seeds breaking away from the placenta and pushed upwards one behind the other, each about 2.5 mm long.
Perennial, aquatic herb, submerged (except for flowers during anthesis), dioecious, with a perennial rhizome. Stems slender, 0.5-1.5 mm. Leaves alternate, or in consecutive whorls, but not in long continuous whorls, linear, 4.8-20.0 mm long, 0.5-1.4 mm wide, spreading, translucent, teeth sharp pointing towards leaf tip, not borne on triangular bases. Male inflorescence and male flowers similar to L. major. Female inflorescence and female flower similar to L. major.
Aquatic herb, submerged. Stems slender, 0.5-1.5 mm in diameter. Leaves translucent; blade < 2 mm wide, margins with 4-6 rows of fibre-like cells, with sharp teeth, epidermal cells longer than wide. Flowers: male inflorescence with up to 40 flower buds; female inflorescence with perianth white, up to 250 mm long; Sep.-Apr.
Aquatic herb, submerged. Leaves with a hyaline margin, consisting of at least 3 layers of cells without chlorophyll. Male spathes containing up to 40 flower buds. Female flowers whitish.
Monoecious or dioecious, submerged aquatic perennial, rootstock a rhizome, stems long and leafy. Leaves linear, toothed. Flowers tiny, axillary, white or pink.