Stems branched at base, 7-20 cm tall, ± floccose-lanate. Petiole 2-3.5 cm basally, 1 cm upward; leaf blade cordate, 1-1.5 × 1.2-2 cm, lanate-villous; lobes broadly elliptic to ovate, margin callose crenate. Verticillasters many flowered, in terminal, densely lanate, ovoid spikes the 2 or 3 basal ones occasionally widely spaced; bracteoles 1/2 as long to as long as calyx tube. Pedicel absent. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 8-9 mm, 5-veined, densely lanate, glabrescent and conspicuously veined in fruit; teeth subequal, ca. 4 mm, triangular, apically spiny. Corolla yellow with brown base, ca. 7 mm, villous; tube cylindric, ca. 5 × 1-1.5 mm, included; upper lip ovate, slightly longer than lower lip; middle lobe of lower lip broadly elliptic, subentire or emarginate, lateral lobes elliptic. Nutlets yellow-brown, triquetrous, ovoid, ca. 2 mm. Fl. Jun-Jul, fr. Jul-Aug.